Friday, 6 July 2012

2012 Releases Ranked: Top 10

Yesterday I listed the nine less good films of 2012 here.  Because I'm a useless critic and enjoy most films I see and would hate to give any competently made, mildly entertaining movie anything less than 5/10, there have been no real stinkers for me yet!  I have about a hundred others I still need to see but will be waiting for the rental.  Without further ado, this is my top 10 of 2012 so far.  Please click the titles for more of my drivel:

What do you think?  Am I stuck in the 90s putting Titanic as the best film of 2012?  Have I got a fetish for woods with Hunger Games and Cabin so high up the list?   Or maybe I've got a thing for the Hemsworth brothers?  Is Chronicle really better than Avengers?  Is anything better than The Avengers?  Is this whole list pointless with the impending rise of the Dark Knight?